0800 280 2816
PayPlan offers free debt solutions, including free debt management plans and Individual Voluntary Arrangements (or IVAs).
Visit PayPlan's Financial Wellbeing Hub
Visit PayPlan's budget tool
0800 138 7777
Set up by the government, the MoneyHelper service offers free, impartial advice on everything from budgeting to managing periods of financial difficulty. You can access helpful guidance personalised to your financial needs, including areas where you should consider acting now to avoid money problems in the future.
Use MoneyHelper's Money Navigator Tool
Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)
0800 144 8848 (England)
0800 702 2020 (Wales)
0800 028 1456 (Scotland)
The Citizens Advice Bureau offers free, impartial advice on a wide range of subjects, including specific help with mortgage problems.
Visit Citizens Advice Bureau
National Debtline
0808 808 4000
A free, confidential and independent telephone advice service.
Visit National Debtline
Step Change Debt Charity
0800 138 1111
Step Change offers free, impartial advice to people currently struggling with money, and gives tips on budgeting and managing credit commitments.
Visit Step Change
Business Debtline
0800 197 6026
Free, confidential and independent advice for self-employed people and small businesses.
Visit Business Debtline
Christians Against Poverty (CAP)
0800 328 0006
Churches across the UK are partnered with CAP to provide free debt help and community groups.
Visit CAP
Mental Health Money Advice
The Mental Health Money Advice service Mental Health UK helps individuals who are experiencing poor mental health. This includes support with problem debt / insufficient income to manage your on-going commitments.
Visit Mental Health & Money Advice
Housing Loss Prevention Advice Service
If you're in England or Wales, you can access free legal support through the Housing Loss Prevention Advice Service and if you are required to attend a court hearing they may be able to represent you.
Get housing loss advice